Australian and New Zealand
Association of Paediatric Surgeons Inc.

Become an ANZAPS Member
Under the RACS structure specialty surgical training is the responsibility of the specialty societies. For Paediatric Surgery ANZAPS has a service agreement with RACS to provide the support for the training board. ANZAPS has requested support from the Board in implementing requirements that all Supervisors are active members of ANZAPS. The aim is to bring training more closely aligned with the specialty society and create consistency with the other training boards and societies.
Accordingly, all Supervisors will be required to become a member of ANZAPS by 1 January 2020.
Becoming a Member of ANZAPS
If you are not a current member of ANZAPS and would like to be, you need to fit into one of the following categories:
1. A paediatric surgeon Trainee** of the SET RACS program
2. An SIMG** (Specialist International Medical Graduate)
3. A paediatric surgeon* in Australia or New Zealand
4. A Fellow of RACS*
4. An international* paediatric surgeon (usually invited by a member or is an Australian or New Zealand surgeon practicing overseas).
*If you are a Fellow of RACS or international surgeon, you will need to be nominated by another member of ANZAPS, complete the form below and return to the Executive Officer via email.
ANZAPS membership application PDF (35KB)
Submitted applications will be presented to the Executive Committee to be ratified at the next committee meeting (held on average once every 3 months).
Upon approval, new members are notified and required to pay the subscription fee prior to being eligible to participate in ANZAPS related events.
**If you are a Trainee or SIMG please contact the Executive Officer to confirm your status with RACS.
At this time, RACS Trainees and surgeons from other specialties are not members. If you are from another specialty and would like to be considered by the Executive Committee at their next meeting, please contact the Executive Officer
Membership Options
Ordinary/Full Membership
This membership is for Paediatric Surgeons who are practicing either full or part time in Australia and New Zealand.
Ordinary members have the benefit of being eligible to:
Become a Surgical Supervisor in Australian and New Zealand hospitals
Apply and be nominated for awards and scholarships
Attend ANZAPS annual general meetings
Serve on the ANZAPS Executive Committee
Nominate other ANZAPS members for election to on the Executive Committee
Vote for nominated Executive Committee Members
Receive email updates and newsletters from the Executive Committee
Access to ANZAPS members only area which includes the members forum and available job and committee vacancies

Overseas/Partial Membership*
This membership is for Paediatric Surgeons who may be from Australia or New Zealand and are living overseas or international Paediatric Surgeons who would like to stay up to date and in contact with ANZAPS.
Overseas members have the benefit of being eligible to:
receive email updates and newsletters from the Executive Committee
Attend ANZAPS annual general meetings
Access to ANZAPS members only area which includes the members forum and available job and committee vacancies
Provisional Membership
This membership is free and is for SET Trainees and International Medical Graduates (IMGs) working towards their Fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS).
Provisional members have the benefit of being eligible to:
Apply and be nominated for awards and scholarships
Attend ANZAPS annual general meetings
Be nominated for and serve on the Board of Paediatric Surgery as the Trainee Representative
Receive email updates and newsletters from the ANZAPS Executive Committee
Access to ANZAPS members only area which includes the members forum and available job and committee vacancies
Once a Trainee becomes a Fellow they need to notify the Executive Officer to convert to Ordinary Membership in order to retain an ANZAPS Membership and enjoy the benefits of Membership.
Applications received after the beginning of the calendar year will be charged a pro-rata membership fee for that year.

*ANZAPS Members who have retired or are honorary, can enjoy the benefits of a partial membership; without a fee attached.